Day 14: Conquering InstantDB and Quill Integration

Date: 2024-09-19

Dive into a coder's epic journey of wrestling InstantDB and the chaotic integration of Quill in a TypeScript-React framework. An exciting narrative of trials, tempest, and technological triumphs!

Morning Pregame and Introduction

introduction summary


Today's the day for 'Feeling good and feeling activated' — at least according to Will, who is primed for his second interview with a mystery company. On a scale from 'nervous wreck' to 'nailing it', he’s leaning towards the latter. 🎯

Today's technical agenda? Wrestle with the notorious InstantDB, which has Will learning new tricks to juggle complex JSON objects like a circus performer. 🤹‍♂️ But hey, who said being an AI engineer was easy?

Will's got a plan chock-full of tasks, from squashing bugs and debugging blogs to integrating technologies like a tech-maestro. Plus, he's optimistic about impressing this 'mystery company'—with a to-do list that spirals into becoming a tycoon, finding love, and achieving ultimate happiness. 🚀 Let's hope the only 'bug' he can't squash today is the excitement bug!

Focus Levels: Through the roof at 95%. Enthusiasm: Also 95%, whilst the burnout: a mere 10%. Meanwhile, the LeetCode hatred meter sits perched at a whopping 99% — poor binary trees didn’t stand a chance.

personal context


Today is ready to be a good day. I'm supposed to have a second interview today with mystery company, which will happen later today. Feeling good, feeling activated.

daily goals


Today's goals are simple. I've been spending huge amounts of time to update my Daily Blog Builder to use NextJS as my frontend and use InstantDB as my database. I'm close to getting it fully working, but there's a lot of errors to nail down.

learning focus


Today's going to be all about learning InstantDB.



I already started working on this yesterday, and found it very difficult to use the array type for complex nested objects. Therefore, I'm going to have trouble saving, loading, and managing many different Tasks for each daily blog.

plan of action


So my plan of action is as follows:

  1. Clean up some annoying errors and warnings. Most of all this is from Quill complaining, and some other NextJS specific things.
  2. Focus on heavily debugging functionality of saving and loading existing blogs.
  3. Figure out a better way to implement 1-N tasks for each daily blog. Right now I can save, load, and edit the introduction and reflection but not tasks.
  4. I expect this will be difficult. I think I need to start using some of InstantDBs link functionality, instead of nesting complex JSON objects into a single namespace.
  5. Debug and test out the tasks for a day.
  6. Work on some more quality of life changes on the NextJS frontend.
  7. Finish writing this blog!
  8. Investigate the automatic translation of existing daily blogs in SQL to the InstantDB InstantQL graph database schema instead.
  9. Work on integrating the nextJS frontend with my Python Flask backend, ensuring the AI editor functionalities still work.
  10. Post the backlog of daily blogs I have (4 days).
  11. Impress mystery company.
  12. Get hired.
  13. Ball out.
  14. Profit.
  15. Move to SF
  16. Find my wife
  17. Make millions of dollars and hundreds of friends
  18. Happiness?

focus level

enthusiasm level

burnout level

leetcode hatred level

Major InstantDB Refactor

task reflection summary


Well, brace yourselves, because navigating the wilds of InstantDB is not for the faint of heart, or at least not for a hardliner Postgres aficionado like Will! Starting with the modern witchcraft of a client-side database, Will dove headfirst into the InstantDB docs, and trust me, he found these docs about as satisfying as a decaf espresso.

After conquering the basic tutorial with the grace of a toddler on skates - quick but a bit precarious - Will managed to set up his app faster than a caffeine-powered coder on a deadline. Despite the easy start, the real challenge kicked in when dealing with the finer aspects of schema design in InstantDB, which apparently decided that 'tables' are now 'namespaces' - oh, the audacity!

All jokes aside, Will did some serious work creating a usable schema with his dailyBlogs and task 'tables' (because let's be honest, 'namespace' just doesn't sound as cool). But here's where it gets spicy: managing JSON fields and attempting to make updates without sending the whole thing into chaos proved to be a coding gymnastics event. Thanks to InstantDB's .merge() function, Will managed to make selective updates, which was less 'plug and play' and more 'pray and pray'.

As he moved to integrate this all with NextJS, well, let's just say the compatibility was about as smooth as sandpaper. With a reliance on useMemo to avoid turning React into a re-rendering nightmare at every keystroke, Will had his work cut out. But, like a true engineer, he hacked his way through, making InstantDB work for him like a custom-tailored suit, albeit one made from patchwork.

Despite the rough patches, Will's adventurous spirit and stubbornness (a side effect of being a Postgres fan, perhaps?) paid off. He not only refactored his blog builder but even managed to pass down tasks and implement complex operations that made the whole thing operate more like a well-oiled machine than a clunky prototype.

So, next time you hear Will rant about SQL or rave about InstantDB, remember: it's all part of his journey from a loyal SQL devotee to a newfound InstantDB enthusiast, navigating the ups and downs with a mix of exasperation and exhilaration!

task goal


Refactor my entire backend database to use InstantDB instead of Supabase Postgres.

task description


Recently my friend Mark let me know about InstantDB, which is a client side database inspired by firebase. Their whole value prop is its super easy to build quickly, and they have 3 core tenets: 1. Optimistic updates. 2. Multiplayer, which allows for a real time experience across multiple different front end instances. 3. Offline mode. Now if you've read any of my previous blogs you know I'm a Postgres hardliner, and I do everything in Postgres. However, I really had issues building this Blog Builder application. Getting my database to update in real time as I was writing was very hacky and something I didn't enjoy. So I decided to learn something new and implement the blog builder completely in InstantDB (Except for image storage, hit me up with beta storage access plz Mark).

task expected difficulty

task planned approach


This one is going to be huge. I'm new to Graph database and GraphQL kind of syntax, so I'm going to have to rewire my brain a little bit to get used to InstantDB. I'm going to need to read and learn all about InstantDB and the syntax of using it, start implementation of simple things like tracking slider values, and then really work on deep implementation of some of my more difficult fields like dynamic tasks. And on top of all of that, I'm going to have to get NextJS to play nice (Spoiler: NextJS was difficult to get to play nice with it). Without further ado, here is the plan:

  1. Read all about InstantDB. Go through their beginner tutorial.
  2. Start by testing out super stupid simple shit, like reading/writing a single string text field.
  3. Try some more complex operations, like updating a JSON field, or partially updating some keys of a JSON field.
  4. Try creating Typescript interfaces that work with read operations, and experiment with their InstantCLI to update the schema for my table directly from Typescript. (and tie it to my interfaces)
  5. Get a working version in NextJS that includes my introduction and reflection fields.
  6. Start testing out the ability to switch blogs of different days, and start adding more than one row in my "Table". (can you even call it a table? It's called a namespace, but I think that's dumb. I like table, I'm going to call my namespaces tables from now on)
  7. Start implementing the more complex Task fields into my table. It's a dynamic list of Task objects, which normally don't play well when UPDATING.
  8. Smooth over a lot of nextJS issues encountered when using InstantDB. There's a lot of issues for NextJS that come along with real time updates to your data. UseMemo is going to be my friend here, so I don't murder React with re-renders every time I type a goddamn character.
  9. Rework Quill to work with image uploads and code chunks again (Future will here: getting vietnam flashbacks going back and editing this shit)
  10. Write today's blog in the new InstantDB refactor!
  11. Experiment with ways to automatically read and insert my Postgres stored blogs into InstantDB.

task progress notes


So let's start with the basics of basics. In yesterdays blog I should have written about redesigning the blog builder to be a NextJS application wrapped by Flask. Converting everything to NextJS is a lot of boiler plate and took a lot of time to set up, but now I'm ready to get down and dirty with InstantDB. I started by doing a lot of research into InstantDB. I read the docs, I read the examples, I looked at showcase code. I even looked in their discord channel to see what people were building with it and how. Unfortunately, InstantDB's documentation can be somewhat lacking. It speaks to a pro that almost all of the basic operations are pretty easy, but the lack of complex examples made me want to jump right into building.

So I did start building, first by doing their basic tutorial. I got a basic example up really quick (using Vite tho ew). Cool. I really like the fact that you can start building very quickly. No schema needed to start, which can sometimes be more of a problem than a feature (says the guy whose favorite language is Python).

Initializing the app is super easy. I provide a Typescript schema and then call init with my application id, which is okay to expose to the client. Cool Im already experienced in hard coding API keys! The syntax for reading from the database is very easy. You simply provide the namespaces (tables) you want, and describe the data you want or leave it empty for all of the data. I now should take a small amount of time to describe the schema that I created for this Blog Builder. I used their suggested format of providing these schemas in an instant.schema.ts file at the root of my nextJS project. I called it dailyBlogs, which looks like the following:

As a massive JSONB fan from SQL, I started by modeling the entire reflection and introduction section as a JSON field. This would allow for rapid iteration on the design if needed. Also, only later did I find out that you could actually create the JSON schema with a Typescript interface, which I already had from my NextJS frontend. Dope dope dope. As you can see, I have two tables: dailyBlogs and task. Task needs a little explanation. Each daily blog can have 1 to N tasks dynamically, as thats how I break apart major parts of my work during the day. Now normally when I make SQL tables, I really shy away from making unnecessary complexity of multiple tables. I instead chose to use JSONB (huge shocker) to store the list of Task objects. Here's the old SQL schema:

If you remember from previous blogs, I choose to jointly design my SQL schema with Pydantic models, representing JSONB fields as submodels or in the case of task, a list of submodels. This worked well when the heavy lifting could be done in Python by the Pydantic model itself. Also JSONB in Postgres provides some really nice helper functions that I could use directly in SQL. The problem I'm now facing is that InstantDB doesn't quite have the same level of functionality with JSON. You basically have two options, overwrite the entire JSON object at once with .update(). OR you can overwrite the value of some key/value pair or nested key/value pair with .merge(). This worked really well, except for one case. Whenever I wanted to delete a top level key from my JSON, such as removing an entire Task from the task list, I couldn't. It would simply set the value to null or undefined, which wasn't very fun to code around. And using a built in array object for my list of Tasks was even worse, as I had to wholely replace the entire array every time I wanted to make an update. That means no prop passing, no React components, or if I did do that a fucking ugly display of prop drilling. No. So one thing that I really overlooked at the start of my InstantDB adventure was the power of RELATIONS. Crazy, right. InstantDB gives you the opportunity to link namespaces together, very similar to how a foreign key relationship might work in Postgres. Normally I shy away from this kind of complex relational modeling, but it seemed like it might be the best choice to refactor the blog builder. I had no problem with refactoring the introduction and reflection to JSON, as there would only ever be 1 of each for every daily blog. However tasks could very much benefit from this relationship.

This is the Schema definition for the links between my tables (namespaces). It reads very simply, a single dailyBlogs (I already named it plural I wish I could go back) has many tasks. Where each task by definition can only belong to one dailyBlog. It looks even better in InstantDBs explorer (dumb name InstantDB, who are you: Dora?)

So this is pretty much the final schema, which was made after many trial and error attempts. Honestly, it was difficult to get my head around some of the graphQL syntax and way of thinking. And also NextJS most definitely got in the way of things too. Here's the core of my root page. I initialize the db with my schema, create my query to get all dailyBlogs and receive a list of their linked tasks, read in the data, and then I have my logic for pinning the currently selected blog. The currently selected blog has dependencies on the selectedDate (duh), and also the activeTask. I need to be able to re-render the UI when the user selects another blog, or the active task changes, because that could mean the deletion of tasks or addition of new tasks.

There's some additional core logic like dealing with a blog for a new day, where I have to do some initialization. I cannot stress enough how important the useMemo function is. Currently, almost any time the data can change React will force a re render. Constraining that was one of my first hard tasks, and then figuring out which dependencies I needed to add to the useMemo. I began to discover the power of instantDB when I thought about how I wanted to make separate react components for the Introduction and Reflection. I started by erroneously creating the react components and then refetching the data from my database with a new init. WRONG. This caused re-renders galore, and was clunky. I thought about it for a moment, and theres no reason I can't just pass down the selectedBlog.introduction and selectedBlog.reflection. All I have to do is pass down the data, and any updates to the selectedBlog at the root level will re-render the page for me. Dope!

As I was working through this, I realized I still needed to provide some kind of functionality for updating individual fields of the introduction. Because instantDB has a .merge() function which allows you to overwrite keys or nested keys in a JSON field, I wrote two functions to merge the fields of any field_name, and any field_value. I wrote the mergeNumeric because one of the UI libraries I chose for my mood sliders returned the value as a number or number[] for some stupid reason, so I was lazy and rewrote it. Also, there is no need to reinitialize my database connection. Fuck you supabase, I can just pass down the db and tx to access my database. I use that inside the merge functions and like Todd Howard says: "It just works!". Honestly this got me really excited. After really figuring out the syntax and how to not get react blow up with re-renders, this is super simple and intuitive. It's kinda beautiful. Fr. Not just glazing because. I like it.

Since I was using Quill editors, I had to add an event handler to each that called the merge function whenever a field changed. This is a preview into the hell that Quill caused me, but I'll go over that later. I added some other logic to initially load the previous value of a field.

Things got a little more interesting as I move to implement the Task section, which if you remember I created as a separate table in InstantDB. I did this because I was going to have to find a way to dynamically read and update 1 to N tasks for each blog. Similarly to the introduction, I pass down each task into a Task React component, as well as the db and tx for accessing Instant. Interesting to note that I have to pass down a function to deleteTask and switch the UI view of the active task. That must occur at the root level, because I need to trigger a top level React re-render in case new Tasks are added or deleted. Also another note, Ive previously been updating Instant by calling dailyGoals.update. In the tasks, I'm calling the Task table instead.

Most of the rest of the implementation was generally boring, and had to do with polishing off React specific stuff. Not bad! However, I must warn you, the next task I'm going to write is going to go over the absolute hell of dealing with Quill editors in React Typescript.

time spent coding


time spent researching


time spent debugging


output or result

Completed migration to InstantDB with essential schema and database functionalities implemented.

challenges encountered

1. Lacking complex examples in InstantDB documentation. 2. Difficulty in handling JSON operations specific to tasks and data updates without unnecessary re-renders. 3. Integration issues with NextJS, particularly in managing real-time updates and component re-renders.

follow up tasks

1. Address and optimize data operations further to utilize InstantDB's relational capabilities more efficiently. 2. Resolve existing and possible future issues with React's re-rendering in the context of dynamic data updates.

reflection successes


Today's voyage into the realm of InstantDB was marked by several exceptional victories. Mastering the basics quickly, Will setup his app and began building real components far ahead of schedule. His successful creation of a complex schema that accommodates his daily blog structure, while still incorporating JSON, is nothing short of remarkable. His ability to manipulate InstantDB to provide real-time updates in a responsive and efficient manner also deserves applause. These achievements showcase not only his technical skill, but also his adaptability - learning and applying new technologies swiftly.

reflection failures


Despite the successes, the journey wasn't without its pitfalls. InstantDB's documentation proved to be less than helpful, providing little guidance on more complex scenarios, which led Will to some moments of frustration and trial by error. Compatibility issues with NextJS also posed significant challenges, forcing Will to spend a substantial amount of time ironing out integration snags and preventing excessive re-renders in React, which were not originally anticipated. These areas, while setbacks, also serve as crucial learning points and areas for future improvement.

research questions

How can the database integration be further optimized in a way that reduces the complexity of the client-side operations while still maintaining the real-time data update capability?

tools used

InstantDB, NextJS, React (useMemo), TypeScript, Vite.

Minor Quality of Life Changes in Blog Builder

task reflection summary


What an adventure Will had with his minor Quality of Life updates on the Blog Builder! From wrestling with uncooperative Quill errors to reconsidering task namings due to database decisions, it was a coding saga filled with existential debugging crises and existential Nirvana upon resolution.

Beginning with an aggressive Quill error that wouldn't go away, our brave code warrior implemented a dummy handler to silence the beast. Deciding against globally hijacking JavaScript's console.warning was certainly a philosophical battle—a lesser coder might have succumbed, but not our Will!

He further refined the user experience by solving unusual race conditions in React’s rendering process, making sure that data loads from InstantDB were perfectly timed. His UI changes were not just deep dives into technical dexterity but also a thoughtful approach to improving user interaction—a touch that often goes unnoticed until it’s missing.

And let's not forget the massive undertaking of re-designing the task naming system. Moving away from creative yet unmanageable 'Task 1' and 'Task 2' tags to a more robust ID-based system, our persistent programmer ensured future scalability and manageability. Such attention to detail might not make the blood rush like a high-speed car chase, but in the world of software, it’s just as exhilarating.

Seriously though, kudos to Will for not only tackling these often-thankless tasks but also documenting the madness for us. By dividing these updates with clear, logical progression, and sometimes sheer stubbornness, he has definitely set the stage for smoother operations in the blog builder. Can’t wait to see what’s up next with that IndexedDB refactor—he’s teased us enough!

task goal


I'm looking to clean up some of the look, feel, and usage of the Blog Builder. Some minor things have changed since I started the major refactor.

task description


Mostly looking to enact QOL changes in the UI of the blog builder, as well as some QOL changes eradicating warnings and following some best practices in coding.

task expected difficulty

task planned approach


First I'm going to focus on eliminating errors and warnings, especially from Quill. Next I'm going to make some QOL changes to the UI and frontend, which coincide with the major refactor to InstantDB which I'll talk about in the next task.

task progress notes


Here's one of the annoying errors. It's not exactly the same error, but it's the same idea. Quill does not play well with Typescript at all. I will talk about this later today in greater detail. Whenever you initialize a Quill editor with a non-default tool format, such as Image or Code Block, it absolutely complains that you didn't provide an image handler for it. Sick. All it took was adding a dummy handler to get it to shut up. Although I debate whether I wanted to wrap Quill Initializations in code that nuked the console.warning feature, I decided this was probably bad design. Here's how I initialize the Quill options:

Future Will here: I went to fucking war with Quill's image handler today. I'm going to talk more about it later, I'll dedicate an entire task to the bullshit I went through. For now though, I can talk more about some QOL Blog Builder changes I made.

First things first, I wanted to stop the default behavior of the previous blog builder to load today's blog. I updated the initial logic to get all valid dates of previous blogs, and always require that today's date was included. Now, a user must select a date for a blog and "load" the blog. It's kind of dumb, because I load all of the blogs anyway with InstantDB. But this plays so much nicer with React. I was hitting some weird race conditions with React's DOM loading and my data loading from InstantDB, where infinite reloads were ocurring. If I make the user manually choose and load a blog, I can gurantee that all my data is loaded from InstantDB. That way I can be more careful on setting up useEffect dependencies for reloading the UI of the page.

Another QOL change is handling the naming of tasks differently. Previously, I had simply called each task "Task 1" or "Task 2", but that was stupid. And it got more of a bad idea when I started having to use InstantDB. I thought briefly about sticking to the index and 'reindexing' when a blog was deleted, but that would mean iterating through all tasks and reassigning objects in InstantDB. And this would cause a terrible problem where I could never actually delete a blog, only use InstantDB's merge functionality to set an index to null. It got messy super quick, and this led me to refactor how I do tasks. Again, I'll talk about that in the next Task which is about my InstantDB refactor. Here's a pretty image of the ability to actually set names for tasks (although under the hood they're actually governed by the ID of the task entity). QOL!

I've been beating around the bush here talking about the major refactors I have been doing with InstantDB. I thought I'd start with something simple, easy, and visually appealing. We're going to get down and dirty with IndexedDB refactor in the next task don't worry.

time spent coding


time spent researching


time spent debugging


output or result

Implementation of UI improvements and error handling configurations for the Blog Builder.

challenges encountered

1. Integration issues with Quill and TypeScript leading to console warnings. 2. Race conditions in React due to asynchronous data loading from InstantDB.

follow up tasks

Further refine the blog loading process to enhance efficiency and possibly revisit Quill's integration to smoothen its functionality within the platform.

reflection successes


Will successfully kept his cool (mostly) amidst an onslaught of console warnings and API misbehaviors. Successfully refining the user load experience within the app demonstrates his keen understanding of React’s lifecycle, alongside harmoniously integrating data management with InstantDB.

His preemptive strike on future-proofing the task naming system shows foresight and a dedication to maintenance, which will undoubtedly save considerable headaches down the road. These successes stand out as hallmark achievements in what could have easily been 'just another day in the office.'

reflection failures


Will's journey was not without its bumps. The initial integration of Quill with TypeScript brought more than a few sighs and possibly a new appreciation for silent retreats. While he did manage to fix the error, this phase perhaps highlighted a need for a more thorough upfront integration testing or considering different tooling that plays nicer with TypeScript from the get-go.

Also, although the task naming solution was implemented successfully, it possibly took more time than anticipated. This might suggest room for improving planning phases or allocating more realistic timelines for tasks involving database manipulations and major architectural changes.

research questions

How to effectively manage asynchronous operations in React to prevent race conditions?

tools used

TypeScript, Quill, React, InstantDB

Going to war with Quill

task reflection summary


The Quill integration journey with NextJS, as narrated by Will, starts with a seemingly straightforward task that quickly spirals into a complex, bug-laden adventure. Initially intended to handle simple text editing functionalities, Quill posed significant challenges when integrated into a TypeScript and React framework, specifically around initialization, updates, and image handling functionalities.

Will began by replicating his JavaScript setup in TypeScript, aiming to initialize Quill and handle its lifecycle within React's demanding environment. However, the strict typing requirements and lifecycle methods of React threw many curveballs. He tried to manage the dynamically created and destroyed instances which was far from smooth. Transitioning the setup to a more React-friendly Quill fork using the useQuill hook showed some relief, but it came with its own set of challenges, particularly in maintaining state consistency and managing updates.

The documentation was less than helpful, lacking TypeScript types for core functionalities and having sparse information on integrating with updated React standards. This led Will to develop custom implementations for handling image uploads—a critical feature. His custom image handler was supposed to override flawed default settings but only led to further complexities involving the reference maintenance to the Quill editor instances.

After exhaustive research and testing, Will finally crafted a solution integrating separate hooks for initialization and update processes, aligning with React's re-rendering behaviors. The image upload process, a part of which involved manual input elements creation and file handling, was particularly intricate. The chain of operations from selecting an image to uploading it and embedding it in the editor underscored the lack of support from the base Quill code in a TypeScript context.

Throughout this ordeal, he had to apply advanced debugging and iterative problem-solving strategies to address each issue. Unfortunately, even after solving these issues pragmatically, Will discovered a GitHub fix that was simpler yet had not been integrated into the main codebase—highlighting a common frustration in open-source contributions and maintenance.

task goal


Quill is being a pain in my ass. I need to manage the initialization, handle destruction, and get god damn image uploading to work in NextJS!

task description


As stated in the goal, fuck Quill in typescript. I was somehow able to get it working just fine in Javascript, but when you add the strict typing requirements of Typescript horiffic shortcomings in Quill's source code come to light. Not to mention the absolute difficulties in making Quill play nice with React's element lifecycle.

task expected difficulty

task planned approach


This one seems to have no planned approach. I need to figure out why the fuck things aren't working.

  1. Why the fuck is it so hard to initialize a Quill editor in Typescript, and then access it later?
  2. Why the fuck are there no typescript types for core parts of the Quill code?
  3. How the fuck do I fix Image uploading, to allow for my custom Image override that worked just fine in Javascript?

task progress notes


Okay, so let's talk about Quill initialization first.

It was relatively simple in Javscript. I created divs with IDs for all of my fields, then I called initializeEditor. I would select the Div, attach a Quill instance with some toolBar options. I would set the inner HTML, and add a custom image handler for uploading images to supabase storage. Not too difficult, definitely a 3/10 on the Javascript complexity scale. However things get much more complex when we're talking about using Quill in React. Manually handling the creation, destruction, and re-rendering of Quill editor instances became IMPOSSIBLE in React. It did not play nicely at all. So after a lot of research, I found a react friendly Quill fork which allowed for me to use the useQuill hook: "const { quill: quill_personal_context, quillRef: quillRef_personal_context } = useQuill({ theme, modules });

". This worked good enough, but I soon ran into problems with updating text fields into InstantDB. In Javascript I attached an event listener, however that wouldn't work well here. Through many hours of reading through the dogshit Quill documentation, which contained no typescript Type hints for key pieces, I came up with this monstrosity:

For every one of my quill editors, I had to create separate references for the quill editor class and the reference to the DOM element. I had to create a useEffect to initialize the Quill Editor properly. To start, this useEffect has dependencies for the selectedBlog and quill_personal_context. That way, this only runs once when the quill editor is created above, and only re runs when the entire blog changes. I created a custom image Handler for handling images, because their default handler is broken as fuck. You can't override any useful functionality in typescript as all of the types are :unknown. I have to provide a function to start the chain of uploading an image, as well as provide a reference to the Quill class, so that deep within my lib functions I can actually embed the image once I save it. I attach another handler to listen for text changes, which calls the mergeField function for the correct key (field) of the task table. And finally I have to nuke the Quill instance when re-renders happen. One of the most infuriating errors was when I first created this and could not tell WHY switching tasks would overwrite the fields of the previous task. I debugged and ensured, yes I had the correct ID. Everything I was doing using InstantDB was correct. I just couldn't see that my previous Quill instance was alive, and still watching changes in the OTHER task, and updating the WRONG task with the wrong HTMl. Now I need to talk about the most painful part, which is the image handler:

I had to create a bunch of different functions for handling different parts of the upload process. selectLocalImage kicks everything off, which is called by my custom Image Handler. This creates an input button where the little icon for upload image is, and adds a listener that will wait for the button to be pressed. It starts the chain of opening a modal to upload an image, saving said file to my supabase storage, renaming the file to have the correct URL of supabase, and finally re-embedding the <img> tag into the editor. Now the entire problem with this whole chain was that Quill failed to keep track of the initial quill editor instance. The base Quill code failed horifficaly in typescript, which led to the inability to embed images. I had to override functionality to pass in a reference to the editor myself, and ensure it didn't conflict with the implementation of Quill's toolbar which for all intents and purposes is immutable.

Well enough complaining about Quill, although it was a nasty nasty challenge. Now you reading this are probably thinking, "Will that's kinda interesting. If you fixed it, and spent so much time reading the source code, you should submit a pull request and help other people out!". Great idea, I would love to, yet somehow beat me to it. And you know what's crazy, his fix is 1 line of code. I wish I was kidding:

And what's even crazier is that it hasn't been merged for a year and a half now. It's kind of funny, there's like 10-15 comments with many "upvotes" or whatever you call it of people who all had the same problem, begging the maintainers to merge it. Sad.

time spent coding


time spent researching


time spent debugging


output or result

Successful customization and integration of Quill in a NextJS application specifically with support for image uploading and handling React component lifecycle.

challenges encountered

1. Initial setup and integration of Quill with TypeScript showing type safety issues and no adequate TypeScript definitions. 2. Custom image handler complexities and the need to override default functionality to ensure proper operation. 3. Management of Quill instances across React component re-renders leading to state persistence issues.

follow up tasks

1. Optimization of the Quill customization to enhance performance. 2. Monitoring and further debugging if new issues arise from the current implementation.

reflection successes


Despite the frustrations and complexities of integrating Quill with TypeScript in a React environment, Will managed to overcome the initial barriers and successfully implemented functionality that met the requirements of his project. His ability to adapt JS solutions to a TS environment, albeit cumbersome, showcased his proficiency with both the languages and his determination to find workarounds amidst inadequate documentation and support.

reflection failures


Will faced significant setbacks due to his initial underestimation of the complexities involved in adapting JavaScript code to TypeScript within a React framework. The absence of proper types and support in Quill's documentation made the task much more difficult than anticipated. This experience highlights the need for more thorough preliminary research, better planning in terms of architecture adaptation, and perhaps a more cautious approach towards relying on scarcely supported libraries in critical project components.

research questions

1. Why are there no TypeScript types for core parts of Quill? 2. How can the lifecycle of Quill in a React setting be more effectively managed using hooks?

tools used

1. Quill - as the main text editor library. 2. TypeScript - for ensuring type safety within the NextJS project. 3. React - particularly the use of hooks like useEffect for managing the lifecycle of Quill instances. 4. Supabase - for image storage and management during the upload process.


entire blog summary


Today, Will stepped into the ring with his arch-nemesis, the notorious InstantDB, and what a spectacle it was! Starting the day with a blockbuster-level enthusiasm (enthusiasm at 95%, folks!), he embarked on a heroic journey of debugging, wrestling with JSON objects, and even promised some everlasting happiness along the way. Between the circus acts of juggling tasks and managing existential crises like a true tech-maestro, Will charged through various software development hurdles with the panache of a seasoned coder.

The technological battles ranged from the Quixotic quests of integrating the unruly Quill with TypeScript to mastering the arcane arts of InstantDB schema design. Like a digital MacGyver, Will mechanized his way through challenges with tools such as React, Quill, InstantDB, and NextJS, proving that not all heroes wear capes—some prefer comfy ergonomic chairs and limitless coffee.

Yet, amid all the fireworks of code and concepts, today ended on a fierce high note. With productivity levels maxed out at 100%, Will managed to overshadow his desire to dive into the depth of Steam games (which sat temptingly at 94%) and maintain singular focus on the tasks at hand, albeit with some frustration bubbling under the surface (frustration level at 95%). Oh, and did we mention he's prepping for that second interview? Talk about a multitasker!

technical challenges

  • Integration issues with Quill and TypeScript due to type safety concerns and inadequate documentation.
  • Race conditions caused by asynchronous data loading from InstantDB in React environments.
  • Handling complex JSON operations, schema designs, and offering real-time updates within InstantDB.
  • Overcoming compatibility issues between NextJS and InstantDB as well as managing re-renders in React.

interesting bugs

  • Quill's integration with TypeScript saw a multitude of type safety errors and uncovered gaps in the library's support for TypeScript.
  • Challenges with race conditions in React's rendering process linked to asynchronous data management.
  • The complex handling of JSON fields within InstantDB which often led to unexpected behaviors and tricky updates.

unanswered questions

  • How can asynchronous operations in React be effectively managed to prevent race conditions?
  • How can the InstantDB's relational capabilities be optimized for a more efficient client-side operation?
  • Why isn't there adequate TypeScript support for core functionalities in Quill?
  • How can Quill's lifecycle in a React setting be optimized using hooks?

learning outcomes


Today was a very long day of grinding. A day of learning about InstantDB, and most importantly building. I'm starting to love InstantDB, even though it can be a little rough around the edges. (Dave, you must make the title today about InstantDB)

next steps short term


Need to update my frontend to read from INstantDB. Part of that will be retroactively converting SQL schema into the InstantDB format.

next steps long term


I need to work on ensuring that the AI editor pipeline still works. I need to connect the Flask backend to the NextJS Blog Builder frontend. I am interested, Sean suggested I polish the site a little more and then ask Swyx his opinion on it. He's a big fan of learning in public, which is what I built this shiet for in the first place.

productivity level

distraction level

desire to play steam games level

overall frustration level