Day 5: LeetCode Grinding: Dynamic Programming Dilemmas

Date: 2024-09-10

A day of battling it out with LeetCode challenges, particularly focusing on the cryptic realms of Dynamic Programming. It's clear that Will's love-hate relationship with these puzzles is as intense as ever.

Morning Pregame and Introduction

introduction summary


Good morning, folks! Today, Will's swapping his usual espresso for a Monster—because apparently, nothing screams 'I'm ready to tackle LeetCode!' like a can of liquid zest. After his sacred morning ritual (which, between you and me, is just a fancy term for procrastination), he's now 'activated' and ready to dive head-first into the day's challenges. 🚀

Today's agenda is a delightful double feature: enduring hours of LeetCode puzzles he loathes and hashing out some sophisticated AI functionalities for our blog. Isn't it funny how Will constantly reminds us of his detestation for LeetCode yet bravely soldiers on? Gotta admire that tenacity (or masochism?).

Goal-wise, Will is putting a premium on mastering the art of LeetCode gymnastics—not just solving the problems but doing a full theatrical interpretation of the process. Think less about the 'solving part' and more about the 'dramatic presentation' of problem-solving. 🤓

Not to let distractions get the best of him, Will plans to stick to a strict schedule: at least three hours of decoding the enigma of LeetCode Medium problems followed by flexing his AI muscles on our Blog Builder tool. And no, he's not allowed to sneak off to scope out new AI adventures—unless he wants me to start docking points!

With focus level at a modest 67 and enthusiasm at 54, let's hope the Monster doesn't wear off too soon. He'll need all the energy he can get, especially with that LeetCode hatred dial cranked up to a 69. Keep the flames of motivation burning, Will! 🔥

personal context


Good morning Dave and readers. Today I feel pretty good, woke up relatively early. I ran out of coffee so I bought some monster energy instead. I just completed my morning ritual: take my adderrall, drink caffeine, and watch youtube videos until both kick in and get me absolutely activated and ready to go. I'm going to try something a little different today. I want to work on some hard things first.

daily goals


I have really been neglecting my leetcode practice, and the job search in general. I've taken the last week now to work on this blogging tool. I've been telling myself that this tool will help me get hired, but honestly I easily find myself distracted by new AI projects when sometimes I think I just need to work on things I don't necessarily enjoy. So today the goals are simple. Spend a large amount of time working on Leetcode practice, and then spend the rest of the day really grinding on some of the AI functionality of the blog editor.

learning focus


I need to become much better at working on getting good at the PROCESS of doing leetcode. This does not necessarily mean solving the problem, but everything around solving the problem. That means clearly communicating my entire process during solving a problem, as well as structuring problem solving BEFORE attempting a Leetcode problem.



Leetcode is always tough for me. It's something that I seriously dislike doing. It's something I'm not very good at, and deep down makes me feel very self conscious. I would almost rather do anything else, and yet it's probably what I should be focusing on. I need to continue to work to have more discipline and really work on my skills. It will be a challenge to not get distracted and most importantly discouraged.

plan of action

  1. Its going to be simple today. I'm going to work on leetcode problems for at least 3 hours. I'm going to try and document some example problems, and write them each as a task. After I have really worked hard on leetcode, I can continue working on AI integration of my Blog Builder tool. Specifically for leetcode, I'm going to be doing random Medium problems.

focus level

enthusiasm level

burnout level

leetcode hatred level

Task 0

task reflection summary


Today, Will embarked on a marathon session of LeetCode challenges, clocking in a hefty seven hours of coding. However, Will seems to have left his documentation skills at the login screen. Not a word, not a note—just echoes of clicks and clatters of a keyboard apparently doing something productive. What we do know comes from mere glimpses into his struggle, presented as screenshots towards the end—shadowy figures in a world of unsolved puzzles.

While we may be light on words, the pictures speak a thousand silent screams of frustration and triumph half-documented. Let this be a lesson (though probably not the kind you'd find on LeetCode): sometimes, the most significant challenges are the ones you forget to write down.

task goal


Working on leetcode problems.

task description


task expected difficulty

task planned approach


I'm going to leave planned approach empty here. I want my entire thought process to be completed in the ensuing Progress Notes.

task progress notes


Unfortunately I did a terrible job documenting my leetcode grind. I did leetcode for about 7 hours.

However, I absolutely failed to document my progress. I deserve to be made fun of Dave. Honestly you should just name the title of today as "Will Does Leetcode and Documents Nothing". I need to be better in writing when it's hard.

time spent coding


time spent researching


time spent debugging


output or result

LeetCode problems attempted. Screenshots of progress provided.

challenges encountered

Inadequate documentation of the task progress, making it hard to gauge specific problems tackled and solutions crafted.

follow up tasks

Improve documentation practices during coding sessions. Plan specific LeetCode problems to solve for better targeted learning.

reflection successes


Despite the substantial absence of written content, Will powered through several hours of problem-solving, showcasing his determination to grind through the rigorous LeetCode questions. This no documentation disaster not overshadowing the fact that he potentially cracked a variety of complex algorithms—this is, if the spirit of the screenshots is anything to go by.

reflection failures


The glaring omission of the day: documentation. Will embraced the 'do now, document never' philosophy a bit too heartily, leaving us with little to reflect upon or learn from in a more structured form. How to improve for next time? Maybe start by opening a notes app—or if we're feeling fancy, an actual notebook—beside those coding tabs.

research questions

Specific algorithms or concepts that Will found challenging during the LeetCode session.

tools used

LeetCode platform for coding practice.


entire blog summary


Today was a relatively quiet day on the code front, with our hero Will grappling with his nemesis: LeetCode problems. He ventured into the tumultuous lands of Dynamic Programming, armed with a stubborn perseverance and a lingering desire to dive into Steam games. Despite the high temptation to switch gears, he somehow managed to focus, though it seems the battle was more taxing than productive, given his low productivity score. Reflecting on the day, Will expressed a mixture of frustration and determination, acknowledging his struggles but also his relentless drive to improve.

technical challenges


The main technical challenge today was Will's ongoing skirmish with Dynamic Programming. It’s like a chess game where every move is a new puzzle, and today, the game felt particularly tough. Despite the challenges, Will's commitment to refining his skills in this area remained unshaken.

interesting bugs


None today. It seems LeetCode spared Will from any buggy surprises, giving him a rare bug-free day. The real bug today was his temptation to abandon ship and fire up those Steam games!

unanswered questions


No specific technical questions were formulated today, but the overarching question remains: How to conquer Dynamic Programming without losing sanity? A question for many, but a mission for Will.

learning outcomes


I learned I still hate leetcode. I'm getting better, but it's still a slog for me. I need to be better about writing blogs when I do leetcode. I said I would document a couple problems, and I didn't.

next steps short term


I need to continue doing leetcode practice. I need to do more practice with Dynamic Programming. I need to be better about writing these blogs on days I don't work on my AI projects.

next steps long term


Get better at leetcode. Get a job. Start putting myself out there.

productivity level

distraction level

desire to play steam games level

overall frustration level