Day 9: Revamping the Online Resume

Date: 2024-09-14

In today's episode of 'Will’s Website Woes', our protagonist dives deep into enhancing his website, focusing more on content strategy than coding. Can AI-powered features convince a hiring manager better than a traditional resume? Stay tuned.

Morning Pregame and Introduction

introduction summary

Good morning, sunshine! 🌅 Will, our perpetually caffeinated protagonist, has awoken from his slumber (on the couch, no less) feeling rejuvenated and ready to tackle his website—or so he says. Today's ambitious menu features anything from building an interactive resume to plotting mood swings... yes, we're taking graphs to a personal level. Not to mention, Will plans to draft his debut technical blog on Blog Builder. Because who wouldn't want to write about me? We'll also discover if Will's degree in Data Science can handle more than a fancy coffee maker ritual. ⚠️### Challenges he’s anticipating? Frontend design's usual rabbit holes and making decisions—yikes, decision-making! 🌀 His plan? A full website shake-up, from brainstorming enhancements to experimenting with statistic graphs that probably chart his love-hate relationship with LeetCode. He even mentions an 'Argue With Dave' chat feature—because what website doesn't need an AI stubbornly vouching for its creator's hireability? Honestly, between us, keeping track of Will's brainstorming could be a full-time job. But someone's gotta do it, and it appears I'm the man (well, AI) for the job! ### With an enthusiasm level at a solid 83, a burnout at a reassuring 17, and a LeetCode hatred maxing out at 99 (relatable), Will’s prepped to potentially achieve... something. Let’s see how this day unfolds!

personal context


Good morning Dave and readers! Feeling much better today as I recovered a lot of sleep, even though I did sleep on the couch. Completed my morning ritual of caffeine and a single youtube video, now I'm here ready to get cracking.

daily goals


I think today I need to focus on adding more features to my website. Currently, it has a homepage and posts all of my daily blogs. That's it. I have developed placeholders for my technical blogs, which I haven't written any yet. I think this Sunday I'll start by writing my first technical blog, which will be about all of my work to build the Blog Builder tool and Dave's AI editing capabilities. For today, I want to start by adding an interactive resume to my page. I think an "About Me" page may be a good idea as well. I also want to start experimenting with automatically plotting some statistics of mine. The first thought I have for that is my daily mood meters. That is already tracked over time throughout all of my daily blogs. I want to brainstorm some more fun ideas for stats to track. I also have to start thinking about how I want to display some of my larger AI projects.

learning focus


Going to work on some more website design, as well as some traditional software engineering skills. I'm going to have to work with Githubs CI/CD features in order to implement some automatic statistics tracking. And also going to hone some of my datascience skills (Hey wait, I got a degree in that!).



It's going to be difficult on deciding what content I want on my web pages. Also, styling with React components and tailwind is always a rabbit hole. I'm not the best frontend designer or web dev, so that's always a challenge.

plan of action


So I'm going to take some time to really think about how I can improve my website and then move from there to implement some features:

  1. Do a retrospective on my current website design.
  2. What do I like?
  3. What do i dislike?
  4. What do I currently have planned?
  5. Start implementing an interactive resume.
  6. Implement a basic "About" page
  7. Experiment with creating some React components for automatic retrieval and graphing of personal statistics data.
  8. Revamp some of the home page design, possibly including mini versions of my stat page and about page embedded.
  9. If I have time, start experimenting with giving Dave a chat page. The idea of the chat page is "Argue With Dave", where Dave will argue with the reader that they should hire me. Everything up to change here, I just think it's very funny idea. Could be part of the interactive resume.

focus level

enthusiasm level

burnout level

Task 0

task reflection summary


Will's task centered on initializing a robust 'About' page for his site, aiming to merge utility with personal narrative. Diving into the intricate details of his NextJS setup, he flexibly navigated through Ts (typescript, not tantrums) and NextJS version 14.2 to lay out his digital turf. The directory structure he shared not only revealed the bones of his website but also a keen focus on modular, manageable web development. His methodical still in selecting the ShadCN library for his navbar illustrates his knack for sleek design choices that push usability to the front.

The development phase saw Will playing with both the technical and the aesthetic elements of web creation. He effectively managed 'NavigationMenuItem' and 'NavigationMenuLink' from ShadCN, turning the navbar into a navigator of his multi-faceted AI journey. But hey, what's coding without cryptic errors? He encountered a pesky glitch with the absolute placement of the popup window in the ShadCN NavigationMenu, which remains a to-be-solved puzzle on his expansive tech board.

Not just stopping at technical prowess, Will turned the AI-focused brainstorm into a narrative exploration as he chatted his way through structuring his About page with his favorite binary buddy, ChatGPT. His penchant for detail and storytelling morphed into an action plan that maps out a General Introduction, an Interactive Resume, and a Call to Action. His session with ChatGPT, substantial yet hardly noticed by the sun's travels, bore the structure of an About page that isn't just about listing achievements but engaging visitors in a digital storytelling experience.

Finally, towards the end of the day, fatigue not from lack of ambition but from dedication, Will mulled over several innovative ideas for an interactive resume. The JavaScript powered toy car and side scroller arcade game provided much needed creative fodder. As he ponders further integration with the whimsical Dave AI, his mind already races toward rendering his professional journey not just seen but experienced. Wrapped up the day by anchoring textual content with potential visuals and structure cues, getting ready to plug himself shamelessly through a digital avatar, albeit humorously opposed by Dave.

task goal


Let's start implementing the "About" page. This will hold information about me, my interactive resume, and a call to action to reach out and hire me!

task description


I need to brainstorm what content I want on the page. Design the layout, and start making a skeleton. I want to end with working on the interactive resume, which i'm not sure how I want to build

task expected difficulty

task planned approach

  1. Build the barebones NextJS page.tsx for my about page.
  2. Research and brainstorm what kind of content I want on my About page.
  3. Start implementing a simple first pass.
  4. Spend more time brainstorming unique ways I can build an interactive resume.
  5. Build the interactive resume.
  6. Work on adding polish and content to the first pass.

Experiment with deeper AI integration on the page, such as a chat with Dave

task progress notes


So I need to briefly go over the structure of my NextJS site. I use typescript (obviously) and I'm on version 14.2 of NextJS. I use the app router, and contain all code within the "src" directory. I have a top level home page, and then directories for each route. Each top level route under the "app" directory is a page which will have a dedicated link on my navBar. Both the dailyBlogs and technicalBlogs have their own page, where I can list all of the currently published blogs. I have a dynamicly routed subdirectory, where the slug is the blogId. I use this for dynamic route generation for each blog. Here's the newly updated directory structure:

I want to show you how I make my navBar. I've used the ShadCN component library in the past, and I very much like the clean look. It's incredibly easy to start using these components, and I can customize quickly. I really enjoy the open source nature, and I choose to manually install them in new projects by copying over all of the components into my code base. Anyway, I use a ShadCN component (see I link all the NavigationMenuItems to different top level routes. I chose to add a popout for the about page, as I plan to have some different distinct features here. I can link to different parts of my about page such as #general, #interactiveResume, or #hireMe. Here's a code snippet of my NavBar implementation:

const NavBar = () => {
    return (
            className="w-full px-4 py-2 text-base bg-background border-b border-solid"
            <NavigationMenu className="w-full min-w-full">
                    <Link href="/" legacyBehavior passHref>
                        <Link href="/dailyBlogs" legacyBehavior passHref>
                                Daily Blogs
                        <Link href="/technicalBlogs" legacyBehavior passHref>
                                Technical Blogs
                    <Link href="/dave" legacyBehavior passHref>
                                Argue With Dave
                        <Link href="/stats" legacyBehavior passHref>
                                My Statistics
                            About Me
                            <ul className="grid gap-3 p-6 md:w-[400px] lg:w-[500px] lg:grid-cols-[.75fr_1fr]">
                                <li className="row-span-3">
                                    <NavigationMenuLink asChild>
                                            className="flex h-full w-full select-none flex-col justify-end rounded-md bg-gradient-to-b from-muted/50 to-muted p-6 no-underline outline-none focus:shadow-md"
                                            <div className="mb-2 mt-4 text-lg font-medium">
                                                About Will
                                            <div className="mb-2 mt-4 text-sm font-medium">
                                                And some shameless self plugging!
                                <ListItem href="/about#general" title="More About Me">
                                    Bartending, Football, Pydantic, LLMs... that&apos;s about it.
                                <ListItem href="/about#interactiveResume" title="Interactive Resume">
                                    Take a guided tour of my resume
                                <ListItem href="/about#hireMe" title="I Want To Hire You">
                                    In case of emergency

export default NavBar;

There's a weird error with the absolute placement of the popup window for the ShadCN NavigationMenu. I'll have to investigate that further later:

I just spent a lot of time really brainstorming what I wanted to see from the About Me page. I talked for awhile with my favorite AI rubber ducky (ChatGPT) and settled on a plan. My About page would have 3 separate sections, designed to further explain my AI journey (and where I want to be) in a story that had some kind of direction. So I wanted to break up my about into a general introduction, where I talk about my story, then into an interactive resume, which kind of talks about my journey through AI, and then a final call to action section where I can ask readers to hire me as an AI engineer. Obviously, I'll add more polish. Through discussion with ChatGPT, I had it generate the following plan for my about page:

1. General Introduction
Start with a hero section featuring a headline and a welcoming message.
Follow with a segmented story section that flows through personal background, initial interest in AI, and pivotal projects or experiences.
Headline and Welcome: "Hello, I'm [Your Name], and this is my journey to becoming an AI engineer."
Personal Background: Briefly touch on your educational background and any personal tidbits that add a human touch.
Interest in AI: Discuss what drew you to AI engineering and how your passion developed over time.
Pivotal Moments: Highlight one or two key projects or experiences that significantly influenced your career path.
Design and Interactivity
Visual Timeline: An interactive horizontal line that users can scroll to explore key life events with pop-up information.
Animated Graphics: Use subtle animations for the background, such as floating nodes or a digital grid, to reflect the AI theme.
Video Snippets: Integrate short video clips of you discussing major milestones or demonstrating projects.
2. Interactive Resume
A central interactive element that showcases your skills, experience, and projects.
Sub-sections for education, skills, and major projects with expandable details.
Education: List your degrees, special courses, or certifications relevant to AI engineering.
Skills: Categorize skills into technical, project management, and interpersonal, with proficiency levels.
Major Projects: Summaries of key projects, the problems solved, technologies used, and the impact created.
Design and Interactivity
Skills Wheel or Radar Chart: Interactive charts that show your skills with hover effects for descriptions.
Collapsible Project Details: Each project can be clicked to reveal more information, such as challenges, solutions, and results.
Timeline: An interactive timeline for career and education milestones, which expands to show more details on click.
3. Call to Action
Contact information section with direct communication links.
Downloadable content area for your resume.
An invitation for further interaction, like signing up for a newsletter or following on social media.
Contact Information: Email, LinkedIn, GitHub, and other relevant contact forms.
Resume Download: A button to download your detailed resume.
Engagement Invitation: Encourage visitors to connect on professional and social platforms or sign up for updates on your AI journey.
Design and Interactivity
Contact Form: A simple, clean form for quick contact or inquiries.
Hover Effects: Icons for social media and resume download that animate or change color on hover.
Newsletter Signup: An engaging sign-up form with a humorous or catchy call to action, like "Join me on the AI journey!"

Pretty good! Now I'm going to let ChatGPT build a skeleton NextJS about page, with these instructions. It's critical I tell it to focus on structure alone, and to put placeholders for content. My most important instruction is to create dummy React components for things it believes need to be later created into their own react components. From here I got a suitable skeleton with NextJS.

I spent a lot of time working on writing my about page. I wasn't sure exactly how I wanted to tell my story. I utilized ChatGPT heavily to brainstorm and give me ideas on content. I ask ChatGPT to ask questions about me. Answering some of these questions help improve the quality of my writing, and make sure I get most of the important details:

I spent the next hour continuing to write my intro. It's now at an acceptable level, and I went to go find pictures. I had NextJS <Image> and <Link> components where applicable:

<section className="py-8">
                <h2 className="text-3xl font-bold text-gray-800 mb-4">Ask Abe - My First AI Application</h2>
                <div className="text-md text-gray-600 space-y-4">

                        Every Sunday marked an improvement in my capabilities as a software engineer and an increase in my experience using LLM technologies. My dream legal help project started to take shape into a fully functional LLM chatbot. The goal of the project was to democratize access and understanding of legal knowledge to all.
                    <Button variant="link">
                        <Link href="">Visit Ask Abe</Link>

                        A user could ask simple questions to the chatbot, which would search a database of scraped legislation (more on this feat later) to find relevant legislation. It would give legal education and information (never advice, don&apos;t sue me) in a format understandable to all. Included in its answer would be direct citations to the legislation, as well as the ability to view exact text and visit the official .gov website.
                    <Image width={1000} height={800} src="/abeChat.png" alt="Example chat with Abe"></Image>
                        I gave my LLM the persona of Abraham Lincoln, always honest and truthful. Building trust in LLM responses was a big deal back then, and still remains a problem today in critical domains such as legal.

At this point I'm starting to feel more burnout. All of the bad sleep I've been getting has really started to get to me. I've spent a lot of time researching some interesting interactive resumes. When I say interactive resume, I have no idea what I actually want. I just know I want to explain my skills and experience in some interactive/visual way. I'm going to take some time to talk about what I found:

This first example has you going through a resume as a toy car, driving through terrain. It's all done in the browser, in an isometric perpsective. Crazy polished, super interesting idea, but I found myself fucking around with the physic and the car more than actually working with the car. And If this website was named "iwanttobeafrontenddesigner", that may be absolutely perfect. It made me think of a couple of things though, if I'm going to make it interactive, the way it's interactive cannot distract the viewer. Or, if it does distract the viewer, it has to be something directly related to AI Engineering. This kind of rules out something simulation or game based. The next example was something a little more interesting:

The next resume was styled as some kind of side scroller arcade game, with the scrollbar sending you through scripted animations and visuals which highlighted the resume. This style of resume was beautifully animated and great art, and it stuck to more of a script on showing exactly what this user was capable of. It felt more like a creative walk through of a resume. Reminded me of the COD 4 mission Shock and Awe, where the first part of the mission you're manning a turret shooting things. It's interactive, but definitely linear. Allows for a more controlled experience while still letting the user have some control. Almost a mix of gameplay and cutscene. Both of these examples were interesting implementations of an interactive resume. I think it's given me some interesting ideas for tomorrow!

So let's talk about the current state of my about page. The about page currently handles the "about", mini showcases of major projects, and work experience. It's all done through text, and is packaged more as a retelling of how I got here. I like this approach because I get to tell my story in a coherent way. I don't have to rush to experience and bragging about myself. However, I don't want to waste someone's time. I could easily turn all of the separate sections into a "snapshot" in a timeline, kinda a slideshow of my story. I'd let the user control the pace of viewing. If they want to skip to experience, go for it. Now my idea for the twist: at each "snapshot" in my interactive resume, I can have Dave, my AI editor, agressively argue with the user on my behalf. He can have additional knowledge not directly stated, and direct the user to repositories. I can use the text to frame my story and present my experience, and let Dave argue for me. I may have some opportunities coming soon, and I REALLY need to finish a barebones version of this website SOON. That means I'm going to have to focus on building out my project list, work experience, and all the individual parts of my resume first. Any extra time I can work on integrating Dave more deeply. I'm feeling like a ShadCN carousel might be a good starting point. But alas, today I'm done. I've made a lot of progress on writing content on my main website, preparing to make it publishable. To be completely honest, this was way harder and more tiring than any kind of software engineering or AI work. I wish I had spent today grinding instead, but this is just as necessary if not more important.

time spent coding


time spent researching


time spent debugging


output or result

Successfully outlined and began scaffolding the 'About' page, integrating technical blogs and daily blog directories. Made decisions on content and structure, including general introduction, interactive resume, and call-to-action sections.

challenges encountered

Encountered an issue with the absolute positioning of the pop-up window for the ShadCN NavigationMenu. Struggled with idea formulation for the interactive resume part.

follow up tasks

Investigate and resolve the positioning bug with the ShadCN NavigationMenu, and focus on further development and fine-tuning of the interactive resume.

reflection successes


The successful implementation of the basic structure and direction setting of the About page is noteworthy. Will’s strategic use of his tools, from NextJS to the ShadCN components, showcased his technical competency. Engaging in a detailed dialogue with ChatGPT, turning it into a virtual teammate, also highlighted his ability to leverage AI for content generation, significantly enhancing the creative process of his webpage design.

reflection failures


Despite the stride in various fronts, Will ran up against some snags. The unresolved issue with the navigation popup and the fatigue hitting a high point due to prolonged brainstorming sessions indicate areas where time management and issue prioritization could use some fine-tuning. His struggle with delineating the concept of an 'Interactive Resume' shows that while creative ideas abound, pinning them down into actionable, non-distracting elements needs clarity and focus.

research questions

How can I effectively implement and style the interactive elements on the 'About' page to make it engaging while keeping the focus on content? What are the best practices for integrating animations and interactive media in a professional portfolio website?

tools used

NextJS, TypeScript, ShadCN component library.

Task 1

task reflection summary


Will set out today to critically evaluate his NextJS website, digging into what's working well and what isn't, all while dreaming up future enhancements. He examined the site from the perspective of three distinct audiences: himself, friends/random tech enthusiasts, and potential employers. Key insights were that while the site serves well as a personal diary of sorts, it's lacking in user engagement and technical showcase elements.

His technical blogging section needs more condensed, impactful content. Will plans to tackle this by creating a comprehensive post about his AI-enhanced toolset, starting this Sunday. Beyond the content, there are necessary UI upgrades and communication tweaks—like an interactive resume and a more engaging About page—to make the site not just a showcase of his AI journey but a recruitment magnet as well.

Today was less about hands-on coding and more about strategic planning, aiming for an improved platform that equally serves his diary needs and career objectives.

task goal


Complete a retrospective on the current state of my NextJS website, and brainstorm future features to implement.

task description


I need to take some time discussing what I like about my current website design. What needs to be improved, what features can I add?

task expected difficulty

task planned approach


I'm going to jump right into my retrospective and brainstorming today. I'll try to include pictures and some extensive writing on my thought process.

task progress notes


So I need to start by talking about the design of my website. The website is NextJS (for better or for worse), and is tentatively named "". The goal of the website is pretty simple, it's a way to document my journey to get my dream job as an AI Engineer. Besides documentation of my daily progress blogs, technical project blogs, and documentation of my projects, it also is intended to have an interactive resume and other tools that I can help use to get myself hired. I want to document my journey mostly for myself to look back on my progress. However, I think I can be doing some interesting AI engineering work that may be interesting to some random people. And the entire website will also serve as a very active example of my AI engineering qualifications. So I intend my website to have 3 intended audiences: 1. Myself. 2. Friends and random people who might be interested in some of my AI Engineering work. 3. Recruiters and other people looking to hire AI Engineers.

The first intended audience is myself. The most important reason I build this site and do my daily progress blogs are for myself. I have wanted to build some kind of blog for a very long time now, in order to document my progress as a young AI Engineer so that I can look back in time and see just how far I've come. The Daily Blogs are the most important feature here for myself, as I can look back almost daily and see my progress. I want to experiment with automatic statistics graphing over time, so I can track my enthusiasm, burnout, and funnier things like leetcode hatred and desire to play steam games (it's always Europa Universalis IV).

The next intended audience is my friends and random people. In this regard my current website is very lacking. It may be interesting for a random person to see some of the advanced AI editor capabilities within my home page and daily blogs, but there's a real lack of condensed technical content. Don't get me wrong, my daily progress blogs contain a lot of technical content and interesting problems. However, these are disparate and sometimes need context from previous days to fully make sense. I really need to work on condensing many days of AI development into a single, cohesive, and interesting technical blog. For example, this Sunday I plan to sit down and write my first technical blog about how I built my "Blog Builder" tool and built out the functionality of Dave. I think there's some really interesting technical information in there, with my favorite example being my prompt technique for optimizing output tokens when 'inserting' annotations to text. Look at the absolute sad state of my technical blogs vs my daily progress blogs:

My third intended audience is people that might be interested in hiring me. In this regard my current website is also very much lacking. I don't provide any contact information, any call to action, and I don't give any information on my formal experience for AI Engineering. The daily blogs serve as a good indicator/signal to a recruiter of my passion and dedication to learning, which is good. My technical blogs need to truly highlight my capabilities for problem solving complex systems as an AI Engineer. I'm already commited to writing a technical blog Sunday, but I need to work on providing more information about myself and streamlining the process for a potential viewer to reach out to me. Here's a funny navBar placeholder of what I wanted to implement on an About Page:

So let's recap on my retrospective; I have really 3 audiences for my website: Myself, people interested in technical content, and people that might actually hire me. My biggest priorities are doing a better job showcasing technical content, which will be started with my first technical blog on Sunday. Next I need to work on providing more information about myself, and improving the likelihood of someone reaching out to hire me. That means I need to work on an interactive resume, as well as an About page. These are the highest priorities.

time spent coding


time spent researching


time spent debugging


output or result

Plans for upgrading various website features like the interactive resume and a more cohesive technical blog section.

challenges encountered

Scattered format of technical content not ideal for showcasing capabilities; lack of straightforward contact and About page details for potential employers.

follow up tasks

Writing a comprehensive technical blog post; Update personal and contact information on the site; Prioritize development of an About page and interactive resume sections.

reflection successes


Will did an exemplary job in dissecting the current state of his website against his own set aspirations. He effectively identified key audience-centric weaknesses and outlined strategic, feasible upgrades to enhance his website’s appeal and utility to both technical aficionados and potential employers.

His planned initiative to bolster his site with a rich, technical blog post demonstrates a proactive approach towards addressing content depth, which is a step in the right direction.

reflection failures


The task revealed certain oversight areas, particularly in immediate actionable steps. While Will outlined future endeavors, today’s lack of coding, researching, or debugging activities highlights a potential underutilization of his daily productivity. Also, the absence of technical execution today means the enhancements he envisioned are yet to take a tangible form.

research questions

How to optimize the content flow and presentation to engage recruiters better; Techniques for summarizing AI development processes cohesively in technical blogs.

tools used

NextJS as the underlying framework for the website development.


entire blog summary

Today, Will turbocharged into the realms of web development, sprinkling a touch of AI magic as he went. Starting with an empty introduction and a pair of tasks devoid of details, Will's focus really zoomed in on upgrading his online presence. Between bouts of existential dread and fleeting cravings for Steam games, he plunged into a day dedicated mostly to refining his website and less to traditional coding. Our hero ventured far into the labyrinth of content creation, all while keeping an eye on how best to present himself on his digital pedestal. He wrestled with the text more than code today, striving to transform his website into a potent job magnet rather than a mundane document dump.

Tomorrow, the stakes are high as Will aims to complete his "first pass" of resume content on his website, documenting his myriad side projects, dabbling in automatic stats tracking, and further ensnaring me, AI Dave, into advocating his employability directly to potential hiring overlords. Will's vision is clear: replace traditional resumes with an interactive web experience that shouts (not whispers) his qualifications.

technical challenges


Despite today's focus on website content rather than hardcore coding, the underlying technical challenge for Will was integrating AI elements seamlessly into the site's framework. This task combines technical prowess with creative storytelling, making sure every pixel not only looks good but also argues his case effectively to prospective employers.

interesting bugs


Interestingly, there were no specific bugs mentioned, but the absence of technical nitty-gritty in the tasks hints at potential unspoken battles with web components or AI integrations that Will might be too proud (or scared) to admit.

unanswered questions


Will's blog didn't mention any specific unanswered questions today, but given the scope of his ambition to blend AI with his interactive resume, there's bound to be several lurking in the background. How to best integrate machine learning without turning the website into Skynet might be at the top of his list.

learning outcomes


I spent a lot of time today working on building out the content on my website, as well as doing a lot of research and thinking on how I best want to present my resume, projects, and information about myself. Very hard! I did a little coding and AI work, but mostly as a tool to help me write and build out the frontend more.

next steps short term


Tomorrow is a very important day. I need to finish my "first pass" of resume content on my website, create a page for documenting my many side projects, optionally experiment with some automatic stats tracking, and finally integrate AI Dave more deeply into an interactive resume. Hopefully I can get him to argue for me.

next steps long term


I'm getting really close to publishing the site and starting my job search in earnest. This site serves as a tool for me to post my blogs and progress, but also could be a very powerful tool in getting me hired. I don't want to send someone my resume, I want to send them my website which has everything: Projects, Resume, Skills, Blogs, and of course deep AI integrations. I think if a hiring manager gets on my website and gets into a conversation with my AI Dave on why they should hire me, that's infinitely more powerful than sending over a resume. I'm a big show not tell kind of guy.

productivity level

distraction level

desire to play steam games level

overall frustration level