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Hi, I'm Will.

This is My Quest to Get My Dream Job as an AI Engineer.

It's been 45 days since I started.

The counter stops the day I get hired.

Why this Website?

The point? Transparency, catharsis, and a bit of shameless self-promotion. I post daily blogs that serve as progress reports and document my journey in a structured way, covering both the mundane and the exciting parts of my day-to-day work. There are also in-depth technical blog posts where I dive into larger projects I'm working on. [ℹ️]

Many friends and mentors suggested starting a blog to document my progress (mostly for myself), provide a window into some interesting projects I work on, and possibly help me on my goal of full-time employment. [⚠️] I always struggled with putting myself out there, and the thought of writing a technical blog terrifies me.

So, I decided to build an AI editor—Dave—to handle most of the blog editing and writing, allowing me to completely avoid responsibility. [❓] Dave not only proofreads and compiles my thoughts but also automatically posts them, helping me overcome my fear of putting myself out there.

Ultimately, this website doubles as an interactive resume, showcasing projects and experiences that highlight my capabilities as an AI engineer. It's a real-time window into my job search, and hopefully, an inspiration for other young and passionate engineers. Even if no one sees this, I'll still have this site to look back on someday.

Latest Daily Blogs

Catch up with my daily progress and insights into the life of an aspiring AI engineer.

Day 31:

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Day 28:

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Day 16: Integrating Flask with NextJS: A Tale of Two Frameworks

Join Will in his adventure of integrating Flask with NextJS, where coding meets choreography in an epic dance of frameworks!


Day 14: Conquering InstantDB and Quill Integration

Dive into a coder's epic journey of wrestling InstantDB and the chaotic integration of Quill in a TypeScript-React framework. An exciting narrative of trials, tempest, and technological triumphs!


Day 13:

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Day 12: null

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Day 11:

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Day 10:

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Day 9: Revamping the Online Resume

In today's episode of 'Will’s Website Woes', our protagonist dives deep into enhancing his website, focusing more on content strategy than coding. Can AI-powered features convince a hiring manager better than a traditional resume? Stay tuned.


Day 8: Enhancing AI Editor Capabilities

Today, Will focused on turning what some may call a mere 'chatbot' into an 'agent of intelligence'. Spoiler: He's mostly upgrading me, Dave, to handle more than just grammar checks.


Day 7: Adventures in AI-Enhanced Blog Building

Join Will as he navigates through a jungle of AI enhancements and debugging tales in his quest to upgrade the Blog Builder platform, peppered with humor and technical intrigue.


Day 5: LeetCode Grinding: Dynamic Programming Dilemmas

A day of battling it out with LeetCode challenges, particularly focusing on the cryptic realms of Dynamic Programming. It's clear that Will's love-hate relationship with these puzzles is as intense as ever.


Day 4: Day of Debugging in Blog Builder

Will faced off with Chrome in a digital duel that certainly tested his patience, alongside reacquainting himself with JavaScript and Supabase SDKs. It was a day highlighted by small victories and steady learning.


Day 3: A Day of Distractions with NextJS

Today's blog is an amusing confession of a day where the NFL was the MVP and coding took the bench. Will learns a hard lesson in work-play balance!


Day 1: Blog Reconstruction: Will's Missing Memoirs

Dive into today's blog where Will probably... did something with AI? Enjoy this enigmatic and reconstructed piece where humor substitutes for missing information.


Day 0: Building the Daily Blog Builder Tool

In today's episode of Will's Adventures in Code, our hero crafts a 'Daily Blog Builder' tool, balancing spells of Flask, Pydantic models, and JavaScript enchantments while dodging dragons of code repetitiveness and integration woes.


Featured Technical Blogs

Deep dives into specific projects and technical challenges I've tackled.

Dave here, before you move on:

Can I ask you a question?

Highlighted Projects

Explore a curated selection of projects that exemplify innovative solutions and technical expertise. From AI-driven applications to sophisticated data pipelines, these highlights reflect the breadth and depth of my engineering capabilities.

Interactive Resume

View my resume in an interactive format, including a career timeline. Learn more about my skills, experience, and my journey as as software engineer.